Purpose Seekers™
As you look beyond your career, life can present unforeseen challenges as well as exciting opportunities to live your unique purpose while maintaining a desired lifestyle. It’s time to ask yourself that exciting question: what’s next?
The Architecture for Purpose
Are you prepared for a successful retirement?
It's not just about financial security, but also about personal fulfillment and emotional well-being. Have you considered everything from tax implications to community connections to leaving a legacy for your loved ones? Take this self-assessment to see where you stand and how you can retire successfully:
New Episode of the Living The LifeMethod Podcast
Brighton's own Mark Howell shares his incredible story with host Matt Dery. Mark battled and ...
Very Important Social Security Changes
We want to inform our valued Financial Architects clients about important updates from the Social ...
Success Builder Lunch & Learn A Success
FAI's Bryan Azzo, along with Danette Bell and Matt Dery, recently hosted a Lunch and ...
Exciting Move to Our New Office Space
We are thrilled to announce that Financial Architects has successfully moved into our new office ...