FINANCIAL ARCHITECTS, friends and family join in and Race for the Cure!
On Saturday, May 21, 2011 the Financial Architects team and their families joined together at the 20th annual Susan G. Komen Detroit Race for the Cure. The event raises funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer, celebrates breast cancer survivors, and honors those who have lost their battle with the disease. It was held near Comerica Park in downtown Detroit where nearly 40,000 runners and walkers attended the event. Everyone had a great time for a great cause and we look forward to participating again next year!

Pictured Left to Right: (Front Row) Kim Keith, Ken Grace, Dick Griffin, Jackson Bay, Ethan Laporte, Sydney Scheib, Natalie Bay, Emma Bay.
(2nd Row): Jameson Scheib, Brandon Scheib, Melissa Scheib, Jason Keith, Jane Grace, Peggy Griffin, Abby Bay, Leslie Gillespie, Jan Winters, Ashley Sanburn, Erika Werner, Janice Reynolds, Kristi Laporte, Jenifer Bay, Spence Bay
(Back Row): Joe Werner, Samantha Werne