Another FAI Client Writes a Book!
K. Marie Swift has been a client for a number of years now. Her husband, Richard “Berk” Berkfield is also a long time client and owner of Berkfield & Co., LTD, an independent personal and commercial lines property casualty insurance agency.
Author K. Marie Swift grew up the youngest of five girls in Dearborn, Michigan. She was inspired to write the Jake and George series after her father, also named George, passed away in 2001. The lessons taught by her father are the same lessons woven into her fable-like stories.
The Adventures of Jake and George will have children wondering what these two frisky dogs will do next. Jake is an energetic, attention-loving little terrier that is sometimes surly, while George the foxhound always looks on the bright side of things.
This collection of seven short stories follows these two lovable pooches as they wander through their daily adventures. The first story has Jake adjusting to a new baby brother. Seeing no reason for this addition to the family, Jake wonders why the new puppy can’t just be returned. He then does everything he can to demonstrate his disapproval!
These two real-life dogs and the way they handle every day adventures will capture your heart and have children asking, “What would Jake and George Do?”
For more information or to purchase Jake and George merchandise please visit